Chronicle of the Eco-school project

The Eco orchard Project consists of creating a garden in each of our schools where we can plant fruits and vegetables ecologically, without hurting the environment.

“Eco- school” is an international project that, in our school, is made by teachers and most importantly students, to educate us and practice our old and new knowledge on environmental sciences.

The main goal of this project is to make students and teachers aware about the importance of protecting the environment.

A visit to an organoponic garden
A visit to an organoponic garden

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Finished and in the making projects

Eco-orchard Project:

The Eco orchard Project consists of creating a garden in each of our schools where we can plant fruits and vegetables ecologically, without hurting the environment. Until now, we have planted a variety of vegetables such as: lettuce, tomatoes, pepper, eggplant, etc. In one of the schools the children have been able to enjoy eating some of them.

Recently, we’ve been talking to the Antonio Núñez Jimenez Foundation to redesign the garden in the ESO-Bach school, so it follows the rules of permaculture.

Included in this project, there’s also a compost bin, in which we will make compost out of dry leaves, animals like the African worm, and food waste from our students and teachers, and we’ll use the compost to fertilize the soil for the garden. 

The Eco orchard extracurricular class went to an organoponic garden on 5th and 46.
The Eco orchard extracurricular class went to an organoponic garden on 5th and 46.

Clean Areas:

The clean areas are spaces to throw away waste in an organized way (paper, plastic, glass and food waste) so we can use them for specific uses; for example, use the food waste in the compost bin.

A visit to an organoponic garden:

The Eco orchard extracurricular class went to an organoponic garden on 5th and 46. We went with the intention to educate ourselves more professionally with people who work in agriculture. There, we saw how compost is made, how they kept bugs and pests from damaging their crops, and we saw how we could improve our plants ecologically.

There are many more projects to be done, and we are very excited to get to work on all of them.

Otros Trabajos

Estudio de la contaminación del Río Almendares

Contaminación del río almendares

Parte del valle del río forma el parque del Almendares o Parque Metropolitano de La Habana (PMH), a pocos kilómetros de su desembocadura. Es precisamente desde este parque que divisamos la problemática de sus aguas.

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