Primary education comprises six academic years that form a gradual progression in the teaching-learning process, typically occurring between the ages of six and twelve. Generally, students start primary education in the calendar year in which they turn six.
Primary education is organized into three cycles, spanning six academic years. The first cycle consists of grades 1st and 2nd; the second cycle includes 3rd and 4th grades; and the third cycle encompasses 5th and 6th grades. We usually have two groups per grade, with a maximum enrollment of 15 students per class. This student-to-teacher ratio allows for a personalized learning environment.
In addition to personalized teaching, our school thrives in a multicultural environment, with students from a wide range of nationalities. From this multicultural reality, our non-Spanish-speaking students benefit from discovering the Spanish language in a natural learning space through linguistic immersion. The presence of this cultural diversity in the school also promotes exchange among students from different backgrounds, fostering respect, empathy, and tolerance in an increasingly diverse and intercultural society.
The primary education building is located in the Playa municipality. It features twelve spacious and well-lit classrooms, as well as workshops for Art and Music, laboratories for Science and Informatics, and multipurpose and sports spaces to encourage reading, sports, and play.
The primary education building is located in the Playa municipality. It features twelve spacious and well-lit classrooms, as well as workshops for Art and Music, laboratories for Science and Informatics, and multipurpose and sports spaces to encourage reading, sports, and play.
The contents of the areas are mobilized from a globalizing perspective. Their purpose is to provide all children with an inclusive education that makes possible the acquisition of basic cultural elements, and learning related to oral expression, reading, writing, calculation, and audiovisual communication. Likewise, work is done with active methodologies that allow the enhancement of talent and multiple intelligences while developing digital competencies, creativity, artistic sense, affectivity, and entrepreneurship or scientific spirit in all areas. These innovative teaching alternatives are implemented in classroom spaces and in extracurricular activities that take place after the school day. This stage seeks to guarantee comprehensive training that contributes to the full development of students' personalities and capacities.
As pedagogical principles, we also aim to ensure a progressive autonomy of action for students in their environment, and the early detection of learning difficulties to allow for early individualized treatment. In addition to these principles, the school undertakes two transversal projects with a significant impact on our students. One of them is the Eco-School Project, which advocates for sustainable development and environmental education, achieving greater awareness and participation of our students in environmental issues and problems. The second center project is aimed at developing plurilingual competence, especially communicative competence in the English language. The English language strategy promoted by the school ensures a greater number of learning and job opportunities for our students in the future, allowing them to effectively navigate an interconnected world where English serves as a lingua franca.
For the teaching and assessment of the basic academic contents of the stage, the CEEH works under the organizational and methodological criteria of the Integrated Center for Distance Education (CIERD), belonging to the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training of Spain. Within the curriculum, we can find the core and specific subjects contemplated at each academic level.
In a happy environment, our children are happy, a maxim of our teaching team and our educational project "the happiness of our students constitutes a transversal axis in our teaching."
Our students play, learn, and smile, but does only this distinguish happiness? A child are also happy when they know and accept themselves and others, when they relate appropriately to their environment, and when they develop their skills and abilities to the fullest, turning needs into learning opportunities. Here at CEEH, our students are happy, and that matters to us immensely!
Our students are active protagonists in their educational process. Placing the student at the center of learning is not an easy task, and our teachers are aware of the challenge. Our goal is clear: to renew and transform the school every day into an entity that enables students for life by discovering it in itself.
Our students need and have a space for authentic, experimental learning that breaks away from conventional educational models in a multicultural environment that offers endless learning possibilities. Project-Based Learning (PBL), the creation of learning environments and corners, flipped classrooms, and cooperative work distinguish our school life. Additionally, our personalized education is an additional complement that sets us apart, allowing us to diversify teaching and enabling each student to chart and establish their own path.
Learning is enhanced when you are involved when what you learn excites you, and when you are happy in your immediate learning environment... Here in primary education, we involve you, excite you, and help you discover your path, and your future!
The school strives to promote a good school environment, essential for building a child's education. The integration of our students into the school healthily and inclusively, while also impacting their learning, is always significant, and fosters a healthy emotional evolution.
In addition to the development of technological and communicative skills, and teamwork, our teachers stand out for their ability to motivate and comfort students, as well as to organize and lead learning situations that guarantee academic and emotional integrity in a system where the student is at the center of all processes.
In our school, we aim to promote an atmosphere of trust and camaraderie in the classroom, based on the principle that happy children always learn more and become better people. "Emotional development is as important as cognitive development" not only says the new Spanish educational law project but is also advocated by CEEH teachers, "learning should also be a pleasure."
Ciro Gamboa
Alumno de 6 Ep
He estado acá en la escuela por más de diez años. Tengo dos hermanos que igual se han formado acá. En diez años espero formar parte de la selección nacional de fútbol de México y siempre recordaré todo lo aprendido acá en el CEEH, mi escuela, mi segunda casa.
Luis Manuel Valdés
Alumno de 5 Ep
En mi escuela he tenido la oportunidad de hacer muchos amigos y de ser feliz. Disfruto los espacios docentes y las extracurriculares. Me gusta mucho practicar deporte en nuestros espacios exteriores. Pronto estaré en el instituto preparándome para optar por una carrera de piloto o científico.
Rafael Rodríguez
Profesor Tutor y profesor de Matemáticas
Este recorrido durante 22 años ha sido una experiencia única en mi vida. Me enorgullece ser maestro y ver cómo nuestros alumnos crecen y se van desarrollando en el ámbito escolar y profesional. Verlos regresar graduados del instituto a nuestra sede nos llena de alegría. Nuestra sede ha marcado una huella imperecedera en sus vidas y ellos en la nuestra.
Sulumy Sánchez
madre de los alumnos Alama y Luis Manuel
El Colegio ha desplegado fuera de casa el espacio de afecto y seguridad en el que por 6 años han crecido Alma y Luis. Siempre han estado rodeados de personas dedicadas con auténtica pasión y nobleza a modelarlos cognitiva y emocionalmente, “dándole ocasión a lo mejor para que se revele”. Han sido felices y nos han contagiado con su felicidad, agradecidos por siempre.
Nayadis Rodríguez
Especialista DOP
Parte de la labor de orientación es apoyar a los profesores a personalizar la educación y desarrollar las habilidades socioemocionales. Reconocer las emociones, entender cómo surgen, se reacciona ante ellas y cómo evolucionan, permite que nuestros alumnos experimenten la vida de forma sana y sean capaces de autorregularse y conocerse.
Compulsory subjects
Natural, Social, and Cultural Sciences (Split into: Natural Sciences and Social Sciences)
Artistic Education (Split into: Visual and Plastic Education and Music and Dance)
Physical Education
Spanish Language and Literature
First Foreign Language: English
Elective subjects
Second Foreign Language: French
Catholic Religion
Subjects and shifts that complete the educational offer.
Reading Plan
Computer Science
Playtime shifts for the 10th grade.
Compulsory subjects
Natural Sciences
Social Sciences
Artistic Education (divided into: Visual and Plastic Arts Education and Music and Dance)
Physical Education
Spanish Language and Literature
First Foreign Language: English
Elective subjects
Social and Ethical Values
Catholic Religion
Subjects and shifts that complete the educational offer.
Reading Plan
Computer Science
Playtime shifts for the 10th grade.
French for 60 EP
Compulsory subjects
Natural, Social, and Cultural Sciences (Split into: Natural Sciences and Social Sciences)
Artistic Education (Split into: Visual and Plastic Education and Music and Dance)
Physical Education
Spanish Language and Literature
First Foreign Language: English
Elective subjects
Second Foreign Language: French
Catholic Religion
Subjects and shifts that complete the educational offer.
Reading Plan
Computer Science
Playtime shifts for the 10th grade.
Compulsory subjects
Natural Sciences
Social Sciences
Artistic Education (divided into: Visual and Plastic Arts Education and Music and Dance)
Physical Education
Spanish Language and Literature
First Foreign Language: English
Elective subjects
Social and Ethical Values
Catholic Religion
Subjects and shifts that complete the educational offer.
Reading Plan
Computer Science
Playtime shifts for the 10th grade.
French for 60 EP
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