The Spanish Educational Center of Havana (CEEH in Spanish) is a private school for children ages 2 to 18 integrated into the Spanish educational system. Founded in 1986, it is an international school where students of more than 30 nationalities live and learn together.

The Spanish Educational Center of Havana (CEEH in Spanish) is a private school for children ages 2 to 18 integrated into the Spanish educational system. Founded in 1986, it is an international school where students of more than 30 nationalities live and learn together.

Niña del CEEH y COLEGIO INTERNACIONAL LA HABANA sosteniendo la letra “ñ”

The four levels of education at the CEEH (Infant, Primary, Secondary, and Baccalaureate) follow the organizational and methodological criteria of the Center for Innovation in Distance Education (CIDEAD), which is part of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Vocational Training. Both the curriculum and the qualifications obtained at the CEEH are authentically Spanish.

Our school is characterized by very low teacher-to-student ratios (less than 15 per classroom), allowing us to provide personalized education delivered by highly qualified and motivated teachers.

Embracing educational innovation, CEEH combines academic rigor with the implementation of active methodologies and the promotion of multiple intelligences and creativity through various curricular and extracurricular projects in dance, music, and graphic and plastic arts.

The development of English language skills is one of our main priorities, for which we have designed our strategy (Speak up!).
Currently, the school serves as an Examination Center for the Instituto Cervantes and specializes in teaching Spanish as a foreign language (ELE courses). The CEEH is widely recognized and experienced in the linguistic immersion of non-Spanish-speaking students, who are supported by our specialists to ensure their rapid integration into the Spanish education system.

Many things make the Spanish Educational Center of Havana unique and special, which you can discover on our website. But the most important and the one we are most proud of is that we have a school where our students learn and grow happily. Come and see for yourself!


Federico Severino

Director General

Carolina Arteaga


Elizabeth Rodriguez

Jefa de Estudios de Educación Primaria

Lissette Castro

Jefa de Estudios de Educación Infantil

Geraldine Ezquerra

Jefa de Estudios de Secundaria

CEEH Enrollment

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