
Art and Sustainability: Paradoxical Concepts?
Is art a mediator of sustainability? The Musécole exhibition is a wonderful example of what art can teach us.
Welcome to Musécole 2023: Art and Sustainability!
Visit our Spanish Educational Center of Havana and discover an exceptional art exhibition, accompanied by the warm welcome of our educational community.
School Bell Automation. ABP Smart School
Day-to-day operations in our center are organized with 18 bells, coordinated by the doorkeeper. Our project automates this crucial task.
Ángel Martín Peccis, Excelentísimo Señor Embajador de España en Cuba.
The Democratic Memory Law of this Government is a recognition of many of our emigrants who had to leave for various reasons, mainly for political ones.
Aymée Chicuri Lastra, curadora de las Salas de Arte de la Antigüedad (Edificio Arte Universal) en el Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de Cuba.
Her work is formidable and continues to be promising. She is one of the curators with the most extended experience at the museum and is socially committed to the art of antiquity.
Estudio de la contaminación del Río Almendares
Parte del valle del río forma el parque del Almendares o Parque Metropolitano de La Habana (PMH), a pocos kilómetros de su desembocadura. Es precisamente desde este parque que divisamos la problemática de sus aguas.
Jovenes deportistas de CEEH en el Primer partido de la temporada 2022-2023.
The action has arrived: the CEEH and the ISH face each other on the field.
Presentación escénica en la que participaron estudiantes del CEEH, bajo la dirección de Caleb Casas
Six touching stories are part of the first stage presentation in which CEEH students participated under the direction of Caleb Casas.
A Kantian maxim and a collage of youthful opinions 
The Philosophy students of 11th grade developed individual philosophical essays as a tribute to the figure of the philosopher from Königsberg
Relato del proyecto Eco-escuela
The Eco orchard Project consists of creating a garden in each of our schools where we can plant fruits and vegetables ecologically, without hurting the environment.
Estudiantes del Centro Educativo Español de La Habana actúan en el Festival de Navidad en CEEH
Another year, proving that solidarity is the most beautiful source of joy that we should never lose.

CEEH Enrollment

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